Weekly Team Message

 Here we are in September and it’s all happening!
This weekend we have a Beer Festival at All Saints Church, Houghton Conquest which includes a hymn sing-along from 3.00pm – 5.00pm on Saturday. At Elstow Church we have our monthly Coffee and Cake morning from 10:00am – 12noon, and at St Mary the Virgin Church in Cardington we have a Family Fun Day 1.00pm – 4.00pm followed by a R101 Afternoon Tea 5.00pm – 7.00pm.
Next Saturday, 14 September we have a Jumble Sale at Elstow for which we need your Jumble. Please drop off this week at church or the Vicarage. We are also happy to collect from you if need be.
Details of all these events and others can be found on Team Talk (attached).
Whilst examining the Beers at Houghton Conquest I was intrigued by some of the tasting notes:
“A Beer that’s off the Richter scale”, “A fruity blond… using Mandarin Bavaria & Syrian Dragon Hops” and “Less in yer face than some Americans”!
I wonder what sort of tasting notes would describe you?


This year the Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust challenge is to break the £100,000 barrier! Half the sponsor money goes to the church named by the person who takes part, and the rest (plus Gift Aid) to the Trust. Bike ‘n Hike is a fun day out where you get sponsored to visit beautiful historic churches by cycling, walking, or any mode of transport on a route of your choice. Many churches host afternoon teas or heritage events and you should receive a warm welcome and often refreshments.  If you would like to take part please go to:
Rev’d Fr. Paul Messam SCP
Team Rector,
Elstow Abbey & Elstow Team Ministry.
Assistant Area Dean of BedfordAbbey Vicarage
Church End
MK42 9XT
01234 261477


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